Monday, November 23, 2009

Killer Palm Trees!

Well, as it happens, we had not seen any signs of rain or storms or anything for... well, the whole time we where here! And in this place, the thought of a large storm and rain makes you happy, more than happy, 3 months with full on heat and sun is kinda hard to handle, as you may be able to imagine. Of course, this can not last forever, with the rainy season closing in a storm would eventually be seen.

For us, the real signs came on the 12th of November, with the first real sighting of clouds on the horizon and a slight (and I really mean slight) drop in temperature...

Before the sun found its way behind the horizon the winds began... (I now know why we are the ONLY people who have let palm trees grow right next to our house...)

When these things fall on the roof it sounds like someone is throwing grenades at the place. Now imagine what would happen if it fell on you head...

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