Wednesday, November 18, 2009

First Impressions (Gordon)

This is a little dated (around 2 months 2 weeks in fact) but I will try and remember exactly what went through my mind when I arrived here in Botswana for the first time.

Well, as you might expect, the first thing you notice when you get off a plane here... is the heat. The extreme unavoidable heat that you san see and even smell. It is hard to explain but the heat becomes like this annoying person who spends all day jumping on your shoulders wearing you down. You really don’t want to do anything for the first while here other than live in a swimming pool (not that there are many of those around) and drink all the water you can find.

After the heat though, the sheer size of the country hits you. You can scan from horizon to horizon and swear that you have never seen such a huge sky. The fact that Botswana is really quite flat does help with that.

Anyway, after getting through customs and taking our bags to the waiting area, I saw what, at that time, I thought I was to expect all the houses here looked like… Right outside the airport was a large square orange building. This however is NOT what the houses here (well not the traditional houses) are like. They are actually circular, with thatched roofs. So yes, all those pictures you see of traditional African houses are right.

Well, that was pretty much the first day in Maun. (We did not realize that the title of "Donkey town" was used as we managed to not see a Donkey that day, for anyone who has been here that would be surprising.)

Anything I have missed out is in Mike's first impressions.

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